Grown on the Ptujsko polje

This onion variety gets its rich and pungent taste from the gravelly ground and dry wind blowing over the fields nestling between the hilltops of Haloze and Slovenske gorice. Early springs, scarce rain, and the dry heat of summer shape the characteristic rich flavour of Ptujski lük.Find out more »

200 years of cultivation tradition

Ptujski lük is picked, sorted, and packed manually. The lükarji (onion growers) of the Ptujsko polje have preserved and still practise the tradition of a three-year onion cultivation system. Ptujski lük is grown from an indigenous Slovenian variety called Ptujska rdeča (Ptuj red) and has been cultivated on the Ptujsko polje fields for over 200 years.Find out more »

Uniquely good

Ptujski lük can form the basis of a multitude of tasty dishes, and you can use it fresh or store it. The white onion flesh, with its purple-reddish tinge and pronounced purple edge, gives dishes a delicious flavour. When cooking, the variety disintegrates quickly and does not turn brown. It makes a fabulous goulash, and also finds the perfect home in fresh salads.Find out more »



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